on the surface of my life

Italian omelet
I've decided to embrace the idea of writing and not having it be so deep. realizing that my greatest writing(which is really not that great) comes from deep within and therefore my surface writing needs some work so I'm going to apply this as a challenge for me and I'm hoping it will get better with practice.....

so on this lovely sunday i am working in silence and in the aroma of this wonderful omelet that i have prepared.  this recipe comes from my lovely grandmother who has been whipping this up since i was a toddler. it consist of:
olive oil
my grandmother
mozzarella cheese...

it was a way as a young kid (not liking vegetables) to get us to eat them and well yes it worked. this is soooo good. i will eat it all day breakfast lunch and dinner.  love it...
and to add to this exciting most beautiful sunday afternoon i would like to share a watercolor painting that ric has whipped up..  and gave to her just this past friday as a gift from me to her.
i hope too that you are enjoying your sunday afternoon. xoxoxo


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