Here are some pictures from atlanta, im finally getting a chance to sit down and load them. The show was a great experience i recieved lots of new orders and met lots of new people. I had such a good time. I sit back and reflect now that it is over and it was one of the most exciting shows and experiences that has happened to me. It was also very hard and stressful there was a point on the move in date that im in my booth setting up a t 10:00 at night saying that i wish i would of been a nurse... this artist thing is too hard....okay so that thought lasted only a few minutes. but what im trying to say is that it all pays out in the end all the hard work and late nights, when you are doing what you absolutely love.... nothing is
more rewarding.


Malena said…
Hi Michelle,

Glad to hear you had a great show! Hope to see you soon.


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