the day after

i met some new friends at the show sarah and jude. they are so nice. this is me and sarah. they have a neat business called lemongrass and twine. cool gifts. the show was very slow at times so it was great to be able to talk with these guys....
it was good to get home. i enjoyed my time at the show and i can say it was worth it. the fifteen minutes of crying i did on the way, not being sure if i was doing the right thing. but now i can say it was. i love what i do..
now im back to work i have a 2 small shows this weekend. and i have orders to ship. and kids to tend too and a messy house to clean so i will be busy for the next week. i sold all my fearless necklaces. im so happy i love the message and i promise they do make you feel fearless. i have so much going on in my personal life that i have to wear mine so i can make it through the next couple of months. you should get one.


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